
F is for Farm: Storytime Plan

Opening Song: "If You're Happy and You Know It" [standing up] with whispered added verse "If it's storytime and you know it, say Shhhh..."

Letter of the Day

Before our first story, I'd like to hear you...
make a noise like a rooster (Cock-a-doodle-doo!).
Make a noise like a hen (Cluck, cluck, cluck).
Make a noise like a chick (Peep, peep, peep).
Make a noise like an egg that hasn't hatched yet (quiet)...

Book: Cock-a-Doodle-Moo! by Bernard Most
[I clip "ducks" pages together to shorten; change laughter from "oink-ha" etc to something like "ha-ha-ha-ha" in animal sounds: "Oinkoinkoinkoinkoink!"--and say, 'Okay, we're going to laugh like pigs now--and pigs don't say "ha"--what do they say?' etc]


Book: Lazy Daisy, Cranky Frankie by Mary Ellen Jordan and Andrew Weldon

Song (a cappella, with stuffed animal): "There's a Little Cow" (variation on "There's a Little Chicken" via Anna at Future Librarian Superhero)


Action Rhyme: "Three Little Pigs Rolled in the Mud"
Three little pigs rolled in the mud--
squishy, squashy, felt so good!
Farmer took one piggy out.
"Oink! Oink! Oink!" that pig did shout.

2...1...no little pigs rolled in the mud.
They all looked so clean and good!
Farmer turned his back and then
those pigs rolled in the mud again!

Song: Dance, Freeze, Melt by The Learning Groove from their album Rockin' Red

Book: Moo! by David LaRochelle


Book: Old MacDonald Had a Truck by Steve Goetz

Song: "Old MacDonald" with funny "animals" thrown in (dinosaur, robot, open it up to kids) [Use if didn't choose to read Old MacDonald Had a Truck--which would replace both Moo! and "Old MacDonald"]

Song with Shaker Eggs: "I Know a Chicken" by Laurie Berkner

Book: Hurry! Hurry! by Eve Bunting [discuss print awareness; have kids repeat each word when it recurs]

Closing Song: Laurie Berkner's "These Are My Glasses" a cappella. "Today, everything in our book is going to start with 'F'." Possibles before opening to kids: Fish [ooh, it's slippery]! Firetruck! [siren] Flower!


Alternate books to swap in: 

Chicken Chicken Duck by Nadia Krilanovich
Barnyard Banter by Denise Fleming (if not doing Cock-a-Doodle-Moo!)
The Perfect Nest by Catherine Friend

Action Rhyme: 5 Eggs and 5 Eggs