
S is for SING! Storytime Plan

Opening Song: "If You're Happy and You Know It" [standing up] with whispered added verse "If it's storytime and you know it, say Shhhh..."

Letter of the Day

Book: Pete the Cat: I Love my White Shoes by Eric Litwin [have seated kids stomp their feet to the beat while they sing refrain]

Action Song [sitting] "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" two ways (one singing, one just doing the motions)

Action Song [standing]: The Elevator Song
(video: Jbrary) 

Song, Standing, a cappella: Teach phrase "a cappella." Sing “Dance, Freeze, Melt” by The Learning Groove from Rockin' Red a cappella

Book: Little Wolf's First Howling

Action Song [standing]: "I'm Very, Very Tall"
(with below second verse)
I stretch my arms out wide,
and now my arms will hide.
Wide....hide...and now they're by my side.

Songs with Shaker Eggs: 
First, "We shake and we shake and we stop" to practice close listening
Then "Don't Wake it Up" with animals that start with S 
Then "The Milkshake Song" by Anne-Marie Akins a cappella

Eggs Away rhyme: 
Shake your egg up high!
Shake your egg down low.
Shake your egg really FAST!
Shhaaakkkkeee yyyooouuuurrr eeeggggg reaaallly slowwww.
Shake your egg over your head.
Get ready to put your egg to bed.

Book [if time] : The Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hort
Image result for seals on the bus

Closing Song: Laurie Berkner's "These Are My Glasses" a cappella. "Today, everything we find in our book will begin with "S. Possibles before opening to kids for suggestions: Superhero! Snake! Sasquatch!


Book: Old MacDonald Had a Truck by Steve Goetz 

Action Song: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", Wiggleworms-style

Action Song [with scarves]: "The Walrus Washes His Winter Coat"

Song with Scarves: "Let It Go" from Frozen [singing along and throwing our scarves in the air at "Let It Go"]